

Technical Support

The error codes displayed on the controller make it easy to diagnose the problem with the TV Lift. Search for the correct error from the list. Follow the instructions, if the problem can be solved by yourself we will give you all the necessary steps. For more complicated faults please contact our technical support department.

Assigning RF remote to control box

Press any button on the remote to assign or wait 15 seconds to exit the mode.

AUTOLID Limit switch cable harness disconnected

Check all the connections and contacts from AUTOLID to the control box. Some pins might be loose due to transport of furniture fitting

Safety system activated

Remove obstacles from the lift's way. Eventually, reduce the safety system sensitivity

LIFT Limit switch cable harness disconnected

Check all the connections and contacts from the Lift to the control box. Some pins might be loose due to transport of furniture fitting

Attempt on setting DOWN VP position before the DOWN limit switch

Use this option only intentionally. It is not recommended to set DOWN VP higher than where the limit switch is located

LIFTs wiring disconnected

Lift electric motor overload

Lower the LIFTs load

AUTOLIDs wiring disconnected

Check all the connections and contacts from AUTOLID wiring to the control box. Some pins might be loose due to transport of furniture fitting

AUTOLID electric motor overload

Lower the Autolid load (lid too heavy)

Rotating movement stopped due to safety

Remove obstacles from the lifts way

No impulses from LIFTs Motor

The LIFT motor might be blocked mechanically, unable to start moving. The cables might be loose. Many reasons for this error – please contact Sabaj support, providing photos of the installation

UP VP Memory approved

Furthest left rotation acquired (mechanical stop)

No impulses from LIDs Motor (Rotolift + Autolid only)

The LID motor might be blocked mechanically, unable to start moving. The cables might be loose. Many reasons for this error – please contact Sabaj support, providing photos of the installation

Left (M1) rotation angle approved

Furthest left rotation acquired (mechanical stop)

Full motion reset

Attempt on setting UP VP lower than DOWN VP

Re-set the UP/DOWN settings. This might make the lift unable to move up or down

Down VP Memory approved

Right (M2) rotation angle approved

Central „0” position acquired
