
Con­trol­ling the Sabaj-System TV lifts with an app

sterowanie podnosnik tv smart home phone sabaj system 1

K-SMRT – coope­ra­tion with Google Home and Ama­zon Alexa

Cur­ren­tly, more and more devi­ces in our homes and apart­ments are con­trol­led remo­tely. This is extre­mely conve­nient, espe­cially since we do not need, as in the past, a sepa­rate con­trol­ler or remote con­trol for each of them. We can manage mul­ti­ple devi­ces from a smart­phone or servi­ces such as Google Home or Ama­zon Alexa.

K-SMRT, the smart­phone or voice-con­trol­led lift

We are apply­ing these capa­bi­li­ties to our TV and pro­jec­tor lifts by intro­du­cing an adap­ter that allows you to con­trol your TV lifts with your smart­phone, Ama­zon Alexa and Google Home servi­ces. The device works with lifts equ­ip­ped with an RJ-45 con­nec­tor, namely all of the series:

  • K-ECO IR,
  • WP (lifts desi­gned for pro­jec­tors),
  • K2-Down (lowe­ring sys­tems),
  • A,
  • SWING MOUNT (elec­tric wall mounts),
  • Roto­lift (lifts with left and right rota­tion),
  • Flo­orLift (a lift for lar­ger TVs, allo­wing them to be hid­den in the ceiling or floor).

The K-SMRT is a com­pact device that con­nects to the lift con­trol­ler using an RJ-45 jack. The adap­ter uses a Wi-Fi network.

How do I use the K-SMRT with my smart­phone?

Whe­ther we want to use the con­trol of our ele­va­tor from a smart­phone or inte­grate it with Google Home or Ama­zon Alexa, it is neces­sary to con­fi­gure the con­trol­ler in the wBox app. In each case it is car­ried out in the same way:

  1. instal­ling the wBox app from the Google Play store (Android sys­tem) or App Store (iOS) on your smart­phone,
  2. selec­ting the Wi-Fi network emit­ted by the con­trol­ler from the set­tings of the smart­phone. In the case of Sabaj lifters, this will be the Sabaj-K-SMRT-xxxxxxxxx network, where xxxxxxxxx repre­sent a string of alpha­nu­me­ric cha­rac­ters. At this point, some pho­nes display a mes­sage that the Inter­net is not ava­ila­ble – skip it,
  3. selecting the appro­priate device from the list ava­ila­ble in the appli­ca­tion wBox – enter the menu, select the Con­trol option and cho­ose the TV-LIFT device. Click „+” and now we can ope­rate our lift from the smart­phone.

control lift tv by smart home devices sabaj system

Con­fi­gu­ra­tion of Ama­zon Alexa and Google Home

After a pro­per instal­la­tion of the wBox appli­ca­tion and con­fi­gu­ra­tion of dri­vers, we can go to the con­fi­gu­ra­tion of Google Home or Ama­zon Alexa. In both cases, the pro­cess looks very simi­lar:
Step 1:
Down­load the appro­priate app from the Google Play Store (Android) or App Store (iOS) on your smart­phone and con­fi­gure it accor­ding to your needs. If you alre­ady use the app to con­trol other devi­ces, just skip to step two.
Step 2:
Log in to µPor­tal, a cloud-based place for mana­ging and sha­ring con­trol­lers. Log­ging in is done in the same way as log­ging into the wBox app – using social media or an e-mail address and pas­sword. From there, we accept the per­mis­sions requ­ired by the service pro­vi­der and can manage our lift using Google Home or Ama­zon Alexa.

It’s worth men­tio­ning that the K-SMRT can work with a variety of con­trol sys­tems, so if you use a smart home option based on other pro­ducts, ask your dealer about the com­pa­ti­bi­lity of the adap­ter with your sys­tem.
