
How to mount a TV on the wall

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The mini­ma­lism trend enta­ils sur­ro­un­ding one­self with only neces­sary things, howe­ver, each of us has his or her guilty ple­asure. One of them is a TV set at home – a distrac­tion from long eve­nings and a cen­tral place for social meetings, e. g. during a soc­cer cham­pion­ship. Where to place a TV if we do not have the right fur­ni­ture for it? In this guide, we will help you thro­ugh the instal­la­tion of the TV on the wall – step by step.

Advan­ta­ges of wall-moun­ted TVs

Moun­ting the TV on the wall is a sim­ple pro­ce­dure that allows you to regain the space that would be occu­pied by fur­ni­ture and makes it easier to plan the arran­ge­ment of the room. Often desi­gners try to hide a TV, which does not fit into the com­po­si­tion of the apart­ment. Wall moun­ting can make this easier – by han­ging the TV on a lift such as the K-Down, we can cover it with a pic­ture or a wall of panels when we are not using it.

The latest TVs are often very ele­gant and work well as inte­rior deco­ra­tions. Espe­cially a large TV over 65” hung on a wall can be a cen­tral part of a com­po­si­tion with pain­tings or a fire­place. The modern design of a living room goes well with a TV, which can be com­for­ta­bly wat­ched thanks to its com­for­ta­ble posi­tion on the wall.

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At what height sho­uld I hang the TV?

The first step when moun­ting a TV on the wall is to cho­ose its height. The height at which you sho­uld hang the TV depends on the size and pur­pose of the room where you will be using it. A dif­fe­rent height for the TV will be appro­priate in the bedroom and ano­ther in the living room. An impor­tant fac­tor is a distance from which we watch TV and our posi­tion while wat­ching. You sho­uld pay atten­tion to ergo­no­mics and com­fort.

Han­ging the TV at a height pro­tects it from chil­dren and pets, altho­ugh the ubi­qu­itous cat and the TV at home can some­ti­mes be a dif­fi­cult com­bi­na­tion. Given the acti­vity of pets, it’s worth inve­sting in a good TV mount that will keep the TV on the wall without fur­ni­ture. We wrote more about how to cho­ose the right height to hang the TV in the article What height to hang the TV.

How to hang the TV on a brac­ket?

The next step is to cho­ose a good mount that will keep the TV on the wall. What does the cho­ice of TV brac­ket depend on? Fir­stly, on the weight of the TV itself. The cho­sen model must be ready to sup­port the weight. It is impor­tant to check the spa­cing of the VESA moun­ting holes on the back of the TV, which we write about here. About the selec­tion of the right mount itself, we wrote here.

The TV brac­ket has moun­ting holes thro­ugh which we attach the TV to it with screws. Sabaj mounts have seve­ral stan­dard spa­cings at the same time, so you do not have to change the mount when you replace the TV. Usu­ally, for most models, the instal­la­tion pro­ce­dure looks simi­lar:

  1. Cho­ose a place to mount the TV. Plan the distance of the TV to the wall. Note the dimen­sions of the TV and the cen­ter of its dia­go­nals. You can pre-mark where the edges of the TV will be.
  2. Attach the brac­ket to the moun­ting holes on the back of the TV as instruc­ted.
  3. Screw the neces­sary mounts to the wall. If it’s a load-bearing, brick or block wall, screws and studs will suf­fice. If you want to hang the TV on a pla­ster­bo­ard wall, it is neces­sary to build a frame or other rein­for­ce­ment befo­re­hand.
  4. Hang the TV with its brac­ket on the wall mounts. Loosely tigh­ten all neces­sary screws.
  5. Adjust the angle of the TV, level it with a spi­rit level, and tigh­ten the screws firmly. Adju­sting the posi­tion is an impor­tant step that affects user com­fort and struc­tu­ral sta­bi­lity.
  6. Con­nect the devi­ces to the power sup­ply. Take care to orga­nize the cables.
  7. You can enjoy your TV on the wall. If you have an elec­tric TV mount, such as Swing-Mount, pro­gram its func­tions.

Ready-made solu­tions ava­ila­ble on the mar­ket make moun­ting a TV to the wall easier than ever before. It is worth using this option. A lot of advice on TV moun­ting and arran­ge­ment can be found on our blog.
