
Full list of messages displayed by the controller

control box wyswietlacz sabaj

Sabaj-System TV lifts are equ­ip­ped with a con­trol box, which is the heart of the whole device. The con­troller is visi­ble from the out­side in almost all models, the­re­fore we have atta­ched a display to it, which will allow you to easily com­mu­ni­cate with the lift. Here we have col­lec­ted all the error codes that may appear during use.

Error codes clas­si­fi­ca­tions

Not all codes may apply to your model of lift. If you have our most advan­ced model, the Roto­lift with Auto­lid auto­ma­tic lid ope­ning sys­tem, then you sho­uld defi­ni­tely review these hints. Because of the four-way motion and the Auto­lid sys­tem, you may see the most mes­sa­ges on this model.

The con­trol box display may inform you of obvious actions, like pro­gram­ming or move­ment in a cer­tain direc­tion. It will also display appro­priate sym­bols if it detects an obstacle in its path, too much load or loose cables. In this case, you can use the prompts we have pre­pa­red in the third column.

Mes­sa­ges for all types of lifts:

Safety system activated sabaj systemSafety system activated1. Remove possible obstacles in the furniture space underneath the TV
2. The system is only active when lowering
3. The system will automatically calibrate itself every 30 cm during each descent
4. The sensitivity of the system depends on the weight of the TV (approximately 5-15 kg)
Wiazka wylacznikow krancowych podnosnika odlaczona sabaj system 1The lift's limit switch cable harness disconnected1. Check the connection of the 10 PIN harness between the lift and the control box
2. Check the condition of the wiring in the harness plug on the control unit and limit switch side (broken wire, pin sticking out, plug not pushed in, damaged braid or wires)
Przeciazenie silnika podnosnika sabaj system 1The lift electric motor overloadLower the lift's load
Okablowanie podosnika odlaczone sabaj system 1The lift's wiring disconnectedCheck all connections of the controller harness and lift's motor. Some may have been loosened during assembly
Reset ustawien sterownika sabaj system 1Full motion reset
Brak impulsow z silnika podnosnika sabaj system 1No impulses from the lift's motor1. The lift's lid motor may be blocked
2. Check that the cable connections are not stretched or loose.
Because of the many factors involved in this error, it is best to contact technical support at

Messages only visible during programming:

Aktywowany system bezpieczenstwa sabaj system 1Assigning RF remote to control boxPress any button on RF remote to assign, or wait 30 seconds to quit mode
Tryb przypisania pilota RF do urzadzenia sabaj system 1Assigning IR remote to control boxPress buttons (I) and (II) to program the IR remote control
Pozycja gorna zapamietana sabaj system 1UP VP Memory approved
Pozycja dolna zapamietana sabaj system 1Down VP Memory approved
Zapamietano pozycje M1 dla obrotu lewego sabaj system 1Clockwise (M1) rotation angle approved
Zapamietano pozycje M2 dla obrotu prawego sabaj system 1Counter-clockwise (M2) rotation angle approved
Proba ustawienia pozycji dolnej przed osiagnieciem dolnego wylacznika krancowego sabaj system 1Attempt on setting DOWN VP position before the DOWN limit switchUse this option only intentionally. It is not recommended to set DOWN VP higher than where the limit switch is located
Proba zapisania pozycji dolnej powyzej gornej sabaj system 2Attempt on setting UP VP lower than DOWN VPRe-set the UP/DOWN settings. This might make the lift unable to move up or down

Rotolift (+ Autolid):

Odlaczona wiazka wylacznikow krancowych AUTOLID sabaj system 2Autolid limit switch cable harness disconnectedCheck all the connections and contacts from AUTOLID to the control box. Some pins might be loose due to transport of furniture fitting
Osiagnieto krancowy obrot lewy zatrzymanie mechaniczne sabaj system 1Furthest clockwise rotation acquired (mechanical stop)
Osiagnieto krancowy obrot prawy zatrzymanie mechaniczne sabaj system 1Furthest counter-clockwise rotation acquired (mechanical stop)
Pozycja centralna osiagnieta sabaj system 1Central „0” position acquired
Przeciazenie silnika Autolid sabaj system 1AUTOLID electric motor overloadLower the AUTOLID load (lid is too heavy)
Okablowanie AUTOLID odlaczone sabaj system 1AUTOLID's wiring disconnectedCheck all the connections and contacts from AUTOLID wiring to the control box. Some pins might be loose due to transport of furniture fitting
Brak impulsow z silnika klapy Autolid sabaj system 2No impulses from lid's motor (Rotolift + Autolid only)1. The AUTOLID's flap motor may be blocked.
2. Also check that the cable connections are not stretched or loose.
Because of the many factors involved in this error, it is best to contact technical support at
Obrot wstrzymany przez system bezpieczenswa sabaj system 1Rotating movement stopped due to safetyRemove obstacles from the lift's way