
Practical ideas, how to expose the TV on the wall

how to expose tv on the wall sabaj system 1

Moving to a new apart­ment or home reno­va­tion is an oppor­tu­nity to reor­ga­nize the space and imple­ment ideas that will make the fami­liar inte­rior more modern. Nowa­days, some people try to hide the TV by using loc­kers or just a modest set of fur­ni­ture to put the TV on. If you are one of the people who want to make the TV rece­iver a cohe­rent ele­ment of inte­rior design, we bring you a hand­ful of prac­ti­cal ideas.

The TV set in a modern apart­ment

A black TV set on a white wall does not impress guests any­more, so even if we deci­ded on an aesthe­tic Scan­di­na­vian style, it is worth pay­ing atten­tion to deta­ils. Espe­cially in such a modest inte­rior, the TV sho­uld be moun­ted close to the wall, and the frame sho­uld be invi­si­ble. This solu­tion will give the impres­sion that the TV is levi­ta­ting. The 3D struc­tu­ral panels pla­ced on the entire wall or its frag­ment will ensure a taste­ful and mini­ma­list arran­ge­ment. If we focus on ener­ge­tic decor, color­ful paint on the wall behind the TV will be bet­ter. Matte, dark paint will visu­ally hide the TV rece­iver, so if you want to show off a modern TV to guests, it is bet­ter to cho­ose a bold color or outline a part of the wall behind the device.

TV mount and the type of wall

A brick wall or a brick imi­ta­tion mural is an inte­re­sting and recen­tly fashio­na­ble back­gro­und for a TV set. Seemin­gly bru­ised red brick or stone on the wall is a strong accent that brings to mind an indu­strial loft. An alter­na­tive is a plank wall or panels which allow you to hide the cables easily. It is bet­ter to cover only one wall of the room with this type of mate­rial so that the effect is not over­whel­ming. A pla­ster­bo­ard wall is cha­rac­te­ri­zed by a lower strength. When deci­ding on a dry­wall par­ti­tion, make sure that the TV is not too heavy. When using an unu­sual mate­rial on the wall behind the TV, it is worth ensu­ring a sta­ble instal­la­tion of the device. Regar­dless of whe­ther we pre­fer wat­ching TV from the couch or, for exam­ple, play­ing on the con­sole while sit­ting on the floor, we can adjust the height of the TV using a solid ele­va­tor that will ensure com­fort and safety. For large and heavy tele­vi­sions best suited to night tour­na­ments, our rug­ged motorized lift for heavy TV screen A-2 is the best cho­ice.

The TV on the book­shelf

A home library as a back­drop for a TV set? It is a great solu­tion for a small apart­ment and an idea for a func­tio­nal living room. Books above or under the TV will cre­ate an eclec­tic style, com­bi­ning moder­nity with tra­di­tion. Asym­me­tri­cal she­lves will pre­vent the TV from looking like a „black hole” aga­inst your favo­rite book col­lec­tion. The visual effect can also be balan­ced by a deco­ra­tive shelf under the TV or inte­re­sting acces­so­ries, such as can­dles and knick-knacks. This is how our favo­rite enter­ta­in­ment zone can be cre­ated, in front of which we will be happy to sit down on long eve­nings for a rest with Net­flix or a book.

tv as a part of home library sabaj system

Com­po­si­tion of pain­tings on the wall with a TV set

An ele­gant, gla­mour-style inte­rior does not have to exc­lude a TV set. A deco­ra­tive frame that clings to the TV or leaves a space thro­ugh which on Ambi­li­ght models the glow is visi­ble will sug­gest that the TV moni­tor is the cen­ter­piece of the home gal­lery. This impres­sion will be enhan­ced by a well-cho­sen scre­ensaver that mat­ches the back­gro­und. During the visit of guests, we can display pho­tos from the holi­days on a TV – such a com­po­si­tion will defi­ni­tely make an unfor­get­ta­ble impres­sion.

TV and fire­place

Quite a con­tro­ver­sial topic is the TV on the wall above the fire­place. This solu­tion has its oppo­nents, and the main argu­ment is the high tem­pe­ra­ture gene­ra­ted by the home hearth. Nowa­days, a suf­fi­cient distance and effective wall insu­la­tion are often eno­ugh for such a neigh­bor­hood to be com­ple­tely safe. It is worth remem­be­ring that sym­me­try is not neces­sary here – the TV set direc­tly above the fire­place looks like an altar, and the simul­ta­ne­ous vie­wing of two moving ima­ges stra­ins your eyes and distracts your atten­tion. For those who are afraid of the tem­pe­ra­ture of the TV rece­iver, an inte­re­sting novelty is an elec­tric fire­place or a bio-fire­place – both emit less heat than a tra­di­tional fire­place and are more eco­lo­gi­cal. As a com­pro­mise, you can display a fire recor­ding on the screen – a scre­ensaver or a movie will cre­ate a reali­stic fire­place on the TV, and our rest zone will gain a warm atmo­sphere.

tv and fireplace sabaj system

Ceiling pro­jec­tor lift – like in a real movie the­ater

We can­not always watch the latest pre­mie­res on the big screen – cool eve­nings, social iso­la­tion, or wor­king late are a per­fect argu­ments to install a home cinema sys­tem in your own living room. Such a zone begs for a large TV with good resolu­tion. Sim­ple ele­ments in an indu­strial style cause opti­cal screen magni­fi­ca­tion. For the old cinema lovers, a pro­jec­tor can be a dream come true. It can hide in the wall with one click of the remote con­trol, without distur­bing the inte­rior cli­mate. Our pro­jec­tor lift WP-560 will help with the imple­mentation of such an unu­sual plan.

Solu­tions for a small room

Some­ti­mes you have to com­pro­mise when plan­ning a reno­va­tion, but a small apart­ment does not prec­lude having a big TV. In small spa­ces, ergo­no­mics is the most impor­tant, so pla­cing the TV in the cor­ner of the room can pro­vide the gre­atest distance when vie­wing the TV. We can cho­ose a cor­ner cabi­net for the device, which will help in the prac­ti­cal mana­ge­ment of the cor­ner. Regar­dless of what solu­tion we cho­ose, it is worth taking care of our com­fort and space orga­ni­za­tion accor­ding to your pre­ferences.
