
What you don’t know about Floor Lift

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Remem­ber the famous scene from How I Met Your Mother when Bar­ney Stin­son shows Lily his TV? We took it a step fur­ther. Not only is our Floor Lift able to hold a huge TV, but it also hides it in your floor or ceiling. What you don’t do to leave your friends spe­echless…

Is the Floor Lift for eve­ry­one?

Sorry for being so cru­elly direct, but no. Instal­la­tion of the Floor Lift requ­ires, first of all, free space under or above the room where you want to see it. The lift mecha­nism is enca­sed in a secure cover with a vie­wing win­dow, where you hide your TV when you’re not wat­ching it. The pocket mounts in the garage or attic so that a large, heavy TV frees up space in your living space. You can mount a TV that weighs up to 220 lb. this way.

How can I be sure the Floor Lift will be right for my space?

We make each floor lift exc­lu­si­vely to order. Such a com­pli­ca­ted device requ­ires com­plete per­so­na­li­za­tion. When pla­cing an order, we will ask you about the most impor­tant things or take measu­re­ments our­se­lves. Remem­ber, we pri­ma­rily manu­fac­ture the Floor Lift in two ver­sions – as a ceiling or floor lift, so first decide if you want to place the pocket in your garage or attic. Match the height of the lift to the height of the room and your TV. Also plan how you want the flap to close, which will hide the jack when the TV is tuc­ked away. Make sure that the dimen­sions of the ope­ning on the floor will allow the TV to retract safely. They need to be lar­ger if you decide to have an addi­tio­nal auto­ma­tic clo­sing flap.

What infor­ma­tions are impor­tant when orde­ring?

If you have deci­ded to pur­chase a Floor Lift, you will rece­ive a deta­iled question­na­ire from us – this is used to cre­ate a per­so­na­li­zed design. We need to know what kind of TV you want to hang on it – impor­tant is the height, width, and dia­go­nal of the screen to which we will adjust the pocket. At the back of your TV, there are moun­ting holes in the VESA stan­dard – we need to know their spa­cing to pre­pare a solid mount. You cho­ose the dimen­sions of the hole in the floor your­self, howe­ver, we also need to know their dimen­sions and the height of the room – this will allow us to plan the exact con­struc­tion of the mecha­nism. You will also be asked about the direc­tion of the screen instal­la­tion and addi­tio­nal obstac­les that we sho­uld know about to make the lift safe and serve you for many years.

floor or ceiling tv lift sabaj

What is the distinc­tive feature of the Floor Lift?

The Floor Lift for large TVs is the lar­gest of our TV lift family. Because the device hides in the floor or ceiling toge­ther with your TV we have made sure that the cables are safe – chain guides pro­tect them from tan­gling and cat­ching. We equ­ip­ped the con­trol­ler with an addi­tio­nal soc­ket from which you can power your TV. This solu­tion will allow you to hide all the cables, inc­lu­ding the TV ones. The lift moves at a speed of 3m/min – quite a high speed for this type of device, but it ensu­res com­plete safety.

How can I con­trol the Floor Lift?

We equip the Floor Lift with the full possi­bi­lity of con­trolling our acces­so­ries. The basic and the most prac­ti­cal option is the radio remote con­trol because it allows you to hide the lift without any cables and devi­ces stic­king out above the floor. Ano­ther equ­ally conve­nient method is to use the K-SMRT module, which can be paired with the wBox app on your smart­phone. If you want to con­trol the ele­va­tor with your TV remote, you need an infra­red rece­iver – IR-EYE, but it must be visi­ble when the machine is clo­sed.
