

uWiFi smartphone adapter for TV LIFTS with active RJ-45 – K-SMRT-4


It works with all elec­tric TV mounts equ­ip­ped with an active RJ-45 socket.

The con­trol­ler ena­bles remote con­trol of Sabaj TV ele­va­tors via wBox by ble­ appli­ca­tion.

The device uses modern µWiFi tech­no­logy.

Using K-SMRT con­trol­ler you will be able to pair the TV lift with GOOGLE HOME and AMAZON ALEXA smart home sys­tems.


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The adapter allows steering TV LIFTS using the wBox application. Works with any TV Lift and TV Bracket from our offer, with an active RJ-45 port.

You can easily download wBox app by from Google Play or App Store. The installation comes down to connecting the adapter to the unit control box and setting up the wBox application functions. The adapter supports GOOGLE HOME and AMAZON ALEXA smart home systems.

Due to dynamic nature of all the voice command systems it is not constant how a certain sentce will be interpreted.

But it has been tested and proven, that saying:

  • ” OK Google /  Alexa   , open the/my TV Lift ” –  results in the lift going up
  • ” OK Google /Alexa , close the/my TV Lift ” –  results in  the lift going down

…It has beed frequently reported , that commands such as:

  • ” OK Google /  Alexa   ,  TV Lift up  ” –  results in the lift going up
  • ” OK Google /Alexa ,  TV Lift down ” –  results in  the lift going down
As for rotation:
  • ” OK Google /  Alexa   , rotate TV Lift left / right ” –  should result with the lift rotating , but currently this was not widely confirmed. Some users succeed , some dont. This depends on langauge.
…same is appliable for electric TV brackets like the swing mount:
  • ” OK Google /  Alexa   , rotate TV Bracket left / right ” –  should  generate a proper outcome, but again it is not guaranteed.

Although our systems support using Amazon Alexa and Google Home, we have no impact on how do the developers implement voice commands. We do send requests and try to keep up the news , but since those systems are refered as self-learing AI-based software – not much is up to us.