
Swing-Mount – a strong arm for your TV

swing mount elektryczny uchwyt do telewizora polskiej firmy sabaj

Do you need a strong arm to sup­port your TV? The elec­tri­cal TV brac­ket Swing-Mount does the job per­fec­tly. And it has a lot of extra featu­res to make wat­ching a movie more com­for­ta­ble.

Sta­ble TV moun­ting

The long arm of the Swing-Mount con­si­sts of two parts that con­nect rigi­dly toge­ther. It comes with a tem­plate for dril­ling holes in the wall – if you can, use the four outer­most holes. This spa­cing will ensure a strong hold of the brac­ket to the wall. The extra holes in the tem­plate can help you if for some reason you can’t drill into the wall in a par­ti­cu­lar loca­tion – for exam­ple, there are cables or con­nections under the pla­ster. The pear-sha­ped moun­ting holes give you the oppor­tu­nity to adjust the posi­tion of the device before it is per­ma­nen­tly tigh­te­ned to the sur­face. It is use­ful to use a spi­rit level, which is loca­ted on the inside of the arm.

comfort from every angle swing mount tv bracket sabaj

Com­fort from every angle

Before buy­ing it is worth kno­wing that the Swing-Mount is sym­me­tri­cal, so you can mount it in any direc­tion. Depen­ding on our cho­ice, the TV will open up to 180 degrees to the right or left. This possi­bi­lity is very use­ful if we mount the TV at the door frame, next to the entrance to the other room. After ope­ning the lift, we can watch the TV in the other room or kit­chen. We have also tho­ught about chan­ging the angle of inc­li­na­tion. If your house­hold likes to do aero­bics in front of the TV and watch movies from the couch at the same time, you can manu­ally tilt the screen up to 7 degrees for­ward.

Does the Swing-Mount fit my TV?

The Swing-Mount is ava­ila­ble in two sizes. The L ver­sion is desi­gned for TVs up to 30 kg (65 lb) and a stan­dard screen size of 65”. The XL ver­sion is suita­ble for 75” TVs weighing up to 40 kg (88 lb). Both ver­sions have stan­dard moun­ting holes with VESA 600×400 spa­cing. The device has an auto­ma­tic safety sys­tem – if it enco­un­ters an obstacle during move­ment, it will stop and turn off the power. This pro­tects your TV and any objects it enco­un­ters along the way from damage.

Swing-Mount brac­ket con­trol

Per­so­na­li­za­tion of the pro­duct is very impor­tant for us. That’s why we offer various possi­bi­li­ties of con­trolling the brac­ket. In the set, you get an ele­gant IR-EYE rece­iver which sho­uld be stic­ked to the TV so that it is visi­ble for the remote con­trol. The rece­iver works in the IR-Mul­ti­code sys­tem. This means that it allows you to use any remote con­trol with the most popu­lar RC5 enco­ding. You can pro­gram the remote with which you ope­rate your TV, but remem­ber that the selec­ted but­tons will be active for both devi­ces (e. g. if you pro­gram the POWER but­ton as the return to the base – the brac­ket will return to the ini­tial posi­tion, while the TV will turn off at the same time).

An active RJ-45 soc­ket allows you to select addi­tio­nal acces­so­ries to con­trol the mount. We offer ori­gi­nal, advan­ced devi­ces that make Swing-Mount not an ordi­nary TV han­ger, but a conve­nient and tech­no­lo­gi­cal expe­rience. The K-SMRT module allows you to pair your device with an app on your phone or a Smart Home instal­la­tion. If you pre­fer a more tra­di­tio­nal method, you can cho­ose the two-way ope­ra­ting but­tons K-BTN-2 WAY, which can be moun­ted on the wall next to your TV.
