
What is the VESA standard?

co to jest vesa sabaj

Tele­vi­sion sets, which we cur­ren­tly buy for apart­ments and houses, usu­ally have a flat screen. Altho­ugh we want our visi­ting friends to be ama­zed by the lar­gest dia­go­nal of our TV, at the same time we need to save space. New TVs can be easily hung on a wall or from a ceiling – all we need is a suita­ble mount. The cer­ta­inty that the cho­sen mount will fit the TV is given by the VESA stan­dard.

What is the VESA stan­dard?

The abbre­via­tion VESA comes from the name of the inter­na­tio­nal orga­ni­za­tion Video Elec­tro­nics Stan­dards Asso­cia­tion that Was esta­bli­shed in July 1989. The insti­tu­tion enjoys wide reco­gni­tion in the audio­vi­sual indu­stry. It has been stan­dardizing the featu­res of video equ­ip­ment for years, and the VESA stan­dard cre­ated in 1997 is used worl­dwide. VESA is the spa­cing of moun­ting holes at the back of a screen, always expres­sed in mil­li­me­ters. We define it as the distance of the holes – the first num­ber is the hori­zon­tal spa­cing and the second is the ver­ti­cal spa­cing. Usu­ally, the first num­ber is lar­ger, measu­red across the width of the screen.

tv mounts with vesa standard sabaj

The most com­mon VESA dimen­sions

To faci­li­tate stan­dardization, the stan­dard defi­nes only a few spe­ci­fic spa­cings:

  • VESA 75×75
  • VESA 100×100
  • VESA 200×200
  • VESA 200×100
  • VESA 300×300
  • VESA 400×400
  • VESA 600×400

The smal­ler dimen­sions usu­ally apply to com­pu­ter moni­tors and the lar­ger dimen­sions apply to flat panel TVs. TV mount manu­fac­tu­rers often use beams that have uni­ver­sal spa­cing or addi­tio­nal exten­sion arms.

VESA not only for the wall

VESA spa­cing can also be impor­tant when we want to place our TV on a shelf or cabi­net. TV stands often need to be moun­ted with screws to the back of the panel so that the TV stands ste­adily. Always pay atten­tion to whe­ther the spe­ci­fication says what the maxi­mum weight of the TV is. If you exceed the limit, the stand may not hold, and if the TV is dama­ged by an ill-fit­ting stand, you will lose your war­ranty. If the sur­face to which we want to fix the TV is unty­pi­cal, such as a pla­ster par­ti­tion wall, it is also worth con­si­de­ring whe­ther the use of the mount is appro­priate

vesa standard in the tv lifts sabaj

How to cho­ose a mount for VESA spa­cing

First of all, the TV han­ged on the wall sho­uld be pro­tec­ted. Its height and back­gro­und sho­uld be adju­sted to our pre­fe­ren­ces. If you like it when the TV is til­ted, you can cho­ose a mount that makes it possi­ble. An addi­tio­nal VESA adap­ter will help you adjust your mount to your new TV but remem­ber not to exceed the maxi­mum load. When cho­osing screws for a TV, let’s fol­low the manu­fac­tu­rer’s guide­li­nes because a screw that is too loose may slip out of the holes and a screw that is too long will damage the inside or may break the moni­tor screen from the inside. VESA applies not only to han­ging a TV, we may as well buy a lift cove­red by the stan­dard and hide it in the fur­ni­ture. We write more on this sub­ject in the article Which mount to cho­ose for the TV?
