
Which mount to cho­ose for the TV?

uchwyt tv jaki sabaj system

The pur­chase of a new TV can become an oppor­tu­nity to reor­ga­nize the space aro­und it. The prio­rity is usu­ally our com­fort and indi­vi­dual habits. For­tu­na­tely, on the mar­ket, there is a gro­wing cho­ice of acces­so­ries and brac­kets for audio and video equ­ip­ment. This allows us to cho­ose the solu­tion that best suits us.

Wall mount for a TV

A com­fortable TV mount is a sim­ple idea that will satisfy the basic needs of the user. The TV moun­ted on it has a small distance from the wall and under it we have free space for our favo­rite books or scen­ted can­dles. You can easily find in many sto­res a TV han­ger or hook to hang on the wall. In most models, the TV rece­iver can be til­ted for­ward and bac­kward. A real trend­set­ter in this field is our Swing-Mount, which also per­forms a late­ral move­ment. Its long arm in XXL ver­sion is recom­men­ded for TVs up to 75”. Such an arm rota­tes the TV up to 180 degrees to the right or left, depen­ding on the moun­ting method.

Desk, floor or mobile – which stand for my TV?

If you just want to place the device on your desk, you can cho­ose a uni­ver­sal TV stand. Swi­vel stands or a remote-con­trol­led TV stand are ideal for couch pota­toes – you can adjust the vie­wing angle so the TV doesn’t reflect the sun. If you don’t have the right fur­ni­ture, cho­ose a floor stand that’s tal­ler and has a shelf for the remote con­trol. In a situ­ation where you often need the TV in dif­fe­rent rooms, you can invest in a mobile mul­ti­me­dia stand on whe­els. You can mount your TV on a sta­ble struc­ture and no lon­ger have to worry about how to move a heavy TV to a con­fe­rence room.

TV on a lift

A TV lift offers a lot of possi­bi­li­ties. The most sty­lish one is a pull-out lift that can be built into a cup­bo­ard and keeps the TV dust-free when you are not using it for a long time. A long eno­ugh elec­tric tele­sco­pic lift will hide into a piece of fur­ni­ture when promp­ted by remote con­trol, phone, or voice-acti­va­ted smart home sys­tem. Our expert in this field is the Roto­lift. Ver­ti­cal and hori­zon­tal adju­st­ment is easy to pro­gram, making the Roro­lift suita­ble for a wide range of appli­ca­tions. If you want to adjust the height of your TV up and down, but you don’t have space near the floor, a wall-moun­ted lift will be a solu­tion. Its sta­ble frame is moun­ted close to the wall. Such a dura­ble con­struc­tion will hold even 100 kg. Atten­tion – it is not suita­ble for pla­ster­bo­ard! With thin par­ti­tion walls, a ceiling lift comes to the rescue.

Moun­ting a TV without dril­ling

Screws and wall plugs leave holes in the wall, so the place of moun­ting a TV set sho­uld be well tho­ught out. Regar­dless of the type of rece­iver (LCD, curved, old type), never drill holes in the TV casing! To cho­ose the moun­ting holes, use the VESA spa­cing – it is the distance between the holes on the back of the TV. All Sabaj-System mounts meet this stan­dard. Many of our models can be moun­ted without dril­ling the wall. Thanks to easy self-assem­bly you will quic­kly learn how to mount and remove your TV from the brac­ket.

TV mount for cam­per or truck

Do you know TV in the cam­per only from TV series? You can watch Net­flix in a mobile home on whe­els. In a small space, we need to ensure that the TV does not take up a lot of space, and it is worth thin­king about addi­tio­nal featu­res. A small wall-moun­ted ele­va­tor will come in handy here, which, apart from regu­la­ting the height of the TV, will also cover the win­dow. If you use your RV for trips with friends, you sho­uld also think about mounts to which you can safely fix spe­akers or a sound­bar. The TV itself sho­uld be light and pre­fe­ra­bly in an ultra-slim ver­sion – after all we don’t want to waste valu­able space.

tv mount for camper sabaj group

Where to buy a TV mount?

Before buy­ing, users often won­der if every mount fits their TV. There are many featu­res to pay atten­tion to, and the most impor­tant are:

  • spa­cing of moun­ting holes (VESA stan­dard)
  • the weight of the TV
  • range of move­ment

These and other featu­res are easily found in the descrip­tions of the mounts from our online store. And once you have cho­sen a TV mount, stand or lift that meets all your requ­ire­ments, it rema­ins to enjoy your favo­rite movies.
