
Why is Rotolift unique?

rotolift jestes wyjatkowy sabaj

Elec­tric TV mounts and TV stands are beco­ming more and more popu­lar. When cho­osing the per­fect model for you, you sho­uld pay atten­tion to the weight of the TV, the VESA moun­ting hole spa­cing, and the type of moun­ting. We can also cho­ose the range of move­ment of our device.

Up, down, left, right – I’m gonna move my feet toni­ght

Roto­lift is an elec­tric cabi­net lift, which is the only one that offers a full range of move­ment. In Sabaj-System we pro­duce it in three sizes. The smal­lest K-1 is adju­sted to TVs up to 30 kg, and the lifting height is 721 mm. The lar­gest model is the K-3, which Was cre­ated for large TVs up to 60 kg. Its mecha­nism raises up to almost 94 cm. A uni­que feature of the lift is 90 degrees of rota­tion to the right and 225 degrees to the left. This range allows to fully uti­lize the capa­bi­li­ties of the lift and pro­tects cables from tan­gling and bre­aking.

Auto­Lid sys­tem

Roto­lift is the first of our TV lifts to be ava­ila­ble with a dedi­ca­ted Auto­Lid fur­ni­ture flap lift sys­tem. The acces­sory is con­nec­ted to the lift as early as the unit is cre­ated in our manu­fac­tu­ring faci­lity, and the con­trol­ler is equ­ip­ped with an addi­tio­nal 10-pin soc­ket to con­nect the sys­tem. As the TV lifts out of the fur­ni­ture, the sys­tem slowly and gen­tly retracts the flap paral­lel to the back wall. This allows even large TVs to rotate safely, without the risk of the cabi­net being dama­ged by the pro­tru­ding flap. Of course, when the TV is retrac­ted, the flap clo­ses again, cove­ring the equ­ip­ment hid­den inside. The maxi­mum weight of such a cover in cur­rent models is 6 kg.

You can, of course, buy the Roto­lift in a che­aper ver­sion, without the dedi­ca­ted Auto­Lid. In this case, the lift has spe­cial stands in its upper part. It is on them that you mount the lid, which is always hori­zon­tally above the TV screen. Due to the rota­tional move­ment of the lift and the custo­mer-depen­dent para­me­ters of the fur­ni­ture, we do not recom­mend pla­cing valu­able objects on the flap. If you want to deco­rate the flap with trin­kets, make sure they are pro­perly atta­ched.

Safety first

If you have deci­ded on a TV hiding place for your TV, it means that you really like your TV! For this reason, we attach great impor­tance to the safety of the lift. Roto­lift has a wide, sta­ble base that is scre­wed to the floor of the fur­ni­ture. Not without impor­tance is the rigid moun­ting in VESA stan­dard, which covers all ava­ila­ble spa­cings from 200×200 to 600×600. The DC motor has to over­heat pro­tec­tion, so the lift will shut off as soon as it feels too much load. The power sup­ply is cut off by a limit switch. This can pre­vent you from knoc­king down an obstacle, for exam­ple.

Wor­ried about needing mul­ti­ple exten­sion cords? We equ­ip­ped the control box with an addi­tio­nal cable for direct con­nection of the TV. The cur­rent flo­wing in it will power the device when the lift is open. The solu­tion is part of the Powe­rGu­ard sys­tem, which pro­tects you from being loc­ked into a piece of fur­ni­ture with the TV on, so it will really lower your house­hold elec­tricity bill.

Usa­bi­lity of Roto­lift

Our rotary TV lift Roto­lift Was desi­gned for mul­ti­func­tio­nal living rooms with kit­chen anne­xes. Using it in such a place allows you to fully exploit the possi­bi­li­ties it gives. Ima­gine a quiet week­end mor­ning. Is it time for some­thing more than scram­bled eggs? Or maybe you want to pre­pare bre­ak­fast with your favo­rite chef? Roto­lift moun­ted in an island or divi­der between rooms will allow you to watch TV in the kit­chen while cooking or cle­aning. Later, you can enjoy your meal in the living room while wat­ching your favo­rite TV series.

Of course, the kit­chenette is not the only use of Roto­lift. Con­fe­rence rooms, home offi­ces, or lec­ture halls are sup­plied with this model. Any­where you need to adjust the angle of your TV will work great, and the abi­lity to adjust the height will be an added bonus. You can pro­gram two favo­rite vie­wing angles and set them always with one click. Hide your TV in a piece of fur­ni­ture and you can avoid get­ting it dirty, dusty, or even sto­len.

rotolift control sabaj rtv blog

I don’t wanna lose con­trol

These days, if you decide to get a new gadget, you want it to be intu­itive to use. At Roto­lift, we’ve taken care of the full pac­kage – after all, this is a pro­duct that really impres­ses. In the pac­kage, you get a four-way RF-REMOTE-4W radio remote con­trol. It com­mu­ni­ca­tes with the con­trol­ler using radio waves, so clo­sing the lift in the fur­ni­ture is not an obstacle. The con­trol­ler has an active RJ45 soc­ket to which you can con­nect our dedi­ca­ted acces­so­ries. One of them is the K-PLC-4 cable, i. e. „dry con­tacts” which can be con­nec­ted to exter­nal devi­ces such as ele­ments of KNX or Lutron smart home sys­tems.

A great sim­pli­fi­ca­tion is the K-SMRT module, which is con­nec­ted to the con­trol­ler, sends a Wi-Fi signal. This allows you to con­trol using a con­fi­gu­red phone. For this pur­pose, we recom­mend instal­ling the free wBox appli­ca­tion from Ble­Box. The appli­ca­tion has a clear inter­face, and the cho­ice of device is two clicks – besi­des, you always have it in your pocket!

They say that he who has the remote con­trol – has the power, so for those who want to ope­rate the lift and TV with one remote con­trol, we have pre­pared a dedi­ca­ted IR-EYE rece­iver. Con­nect the rece­iver to the soc­ket in the con­trol­ler and fix the eyelet in a visi­ble place, within the range of the remote con­trol. The cable is up to 3 meters long and the eyelet is very ele­gant, so you don’t have to worry about distur­bing the aesthe­tics. Remem­ber, if you like to catch all the mag­pies by the tail and want to cho­ose more than one addi­tio­nal con­trol option, we have an RJ45 soc­ket split­ter for you, our RJ-SPLITTER.
